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California State Approved
Education License No. 606092
In order to become a notary you must meet the following requirementsBe a resident of the State of California Be at least 18 years of age Complete our 6 hours mandatory course Pass a written examination Complete the application Pass a background check, i.e. be finger printed Conviction of a felony where not less than 10 years have passed since the completion of probation
Will I receive proof that I took the course?Yes. After taking our online course you will be emailed your certificate of completion. Our certificate is state certified. The certificate must be attached to your Notary application (which will also be emailed to you.) Both will be collected at the state exam location.
What do I need to know about the state exam?A: You need to pass a notary exam administered by proctors from the State of California. Out of 45 multiple choice questions you must answer 32 correct to achieve at least 70%. You will have 1 hour to complete the exam.
For additional exam info click below
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